New trends in Education of India (Digital Transformation Trends)

New trends in Education of India (Digital Transformation Trends)

New trends in education in India or Digital Transformation Trends in Education

The education sector especially K-12 public school systems aren’t usually the earliest adopters of new technology. Despite the fact that they’re equipping our children for the future, they don’t always move the fastest to get there. For that reason, digital transformation trends in education typically move a bit slower than some other industries. Still, that doesn’t mean they aren’t happening.

Top picks for digital transformation trends in education are given below-

  1. Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality- Products like Google Expeditions are aiming to make classroom AR more attainable, with a wide range of experiences available via simple phone apps. Indeed, Expeditions already offers some 900 different expeditions, including visits to the Louvre and Mt. Everest. These are the types of things that can keep our students engaged and excited about learning into the future. I anticipate we’ll be seeing a lot more interest in AR/VR learning apps- free or affordable, in the coming year.
  2. Personalized Learning- One of the cool things about technology today is that it allows for more personal learning experiences to help kids who have dyslexia or other conditions that cause them to learn differently. For instance, tech like Dragon speak helps dyslexic students “write” their papers by voice, ensuring that there answers are not limited by their ability to spell or write. In addition, they’re able to learn via audio books, rather than moving slowly through text ones. Considering nearly 20% of the population suffers from dyslexia, this is huge. In terms of digital transformation trends in education, this could be a game changer for those kids needing personalized learning moving forward.
  3. Internet of Things- The IoT can allow a student’s teacher to share his or her test results with their other teachers and parents in real-time, alerting them to potential issues they may wish to face in their own classroom or home. It can automatically track when homework has been completed, what time it’s being completed and even collect data about how long it takes the student to finish the assignment. With that information, teachers can gain a better understanding of whether their methods are working, whether assignments may be too cumbersome, or if students seem to be working too late into the night. This is valuable information that could make future digital transformation trends in education even greater and it could help bring peace to homework time in student homes just as it brings greater insights to the classroom.
  4. AI and Big Data- This goes with the IoT above, but there is a huge opportunity in education today to move away from standardized testing data into less structured data that helps us truly understand our students. No, we won’t be able to ditch standardized testing. Many educators will start to see that other data they collect for their individual classrooms may be able to tell them far more than state testing ever could.
  5. Security- The more common tech access becomes, the more we need to focus on keeping students safe from cyber dangers. Just as the use of digital technology continues to increase, so does the need for high security, especially in the K-12 arena.

There are so many digital transformation trends in education that are taking off in pockets throughout the country. Clearly, there will be differences in the type of technology being used in wealthier public school districts and private schools than in disadvantaged ones.

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