Sarojini Naidu
Birth and Parentage
Sarojini Naidu is popularly known as ‘‘The Nightingale of India‘, she was born on 13 February, 1879, in Hyderabad, South India. She was the beloved daughter of Aghorenath Chattopadhyay and Varada Sundari, who had migrated to Hyderabad from Bengal. She was very proud of her ancestory and wrote: My ancestors for thousands of years Have been lovers of the forest and mountain caves, great dreamers, great Scholars, great ascetics. My father is a dreamer himself, a great dreamer, a Great man whose life had been a magnificent failure” Although Sarojini Naidu asserted that her father’s life was a magnificent failure , yet it is studded with many achievements. This man well-versed in Sanskrit, was widely read in the literatures of the Orient and the Occident. He was a keen and sensitive Scholar of Bengali literature, besides English, Hebrew, French German and Russian his first love however was chemistry, rather alchemy and he constantly remained in search of a formula by which he could convert baser Metals into gold he was a PhD. in S Chemistry from the illustrious University of Edinburgh, and remained associated with Nizam College, Hyderabad first As Professor of Chemistry, then as its Principal.
Early Education
Sarojini’s girlhood was spent in the idyllic city of Hyderabad. But as there was no suitable school for girls in Hyderabad, Sarojini was sent to Madras where she passed her matriculation examination when she was only twelve. Then she attended King’s College London, and Girton College, Cambridge. But she returned to India without taking a Degree. About this Padmini Sen Gupta says “But her reading in English Literature and her contact with the literary world of London was of far greater value then mere academic distinction. Later she became a member of the Royal Literary Society and conferred the degree of Doctorate by many Universities”
Love Life
Sarojini was rather sent to England, probably because of Dr. Govindaraj Naidu’s proclamation of love for her and his Formal request for marriage. Although in the beginning this alliance was frowned upon, Sarojini was allowed to marry Dr. Naidu on her return to India in 1898. Dr. Naidu was a widower and ten years her senior. Since it was an inter caste and interprovince marriage it created great furore in the social circles not only in Hyderabad but elsewhere as well. Then society was far more conservative than now. But it was a great occasion all the same and among others, this marriage was attended by all Raja Ram Mohan Roy, who acted as the bride’s maid.
Politics remained passion with her all her active life Indian independence in 1947 saw Sarojini in the role of the Governor of the most populous state of India, Uttar Pradesh, then known as the United Provinces. On 2 March, she 1949 died. Thus the fully-lived life of India’s illustrious daughter ended.
English Literature— Important links
- “The Flute player of Brindaban”- Summary, Analysis & Explanation
- “Ode To a Nightingale” By John Keats- Stanza wise Summary
- Critical appreciation of the “Ode To a Nightingale”
- “Ode to the West Wind”- Introduction & Complete Explanation
- Tintern Abbey- Line by Line Explanation (1 to 10 Context Stanza-wise)
- Tintern Abbey Stanza-wise Explanation (11 to 16 Context)
- Nurse’s Song by William Blake | Summary & Complete Explanation
- Explanations of Absalom and Achitophel (Line by line analysis)
- “PARADISE LOST” as an Epic- By John Milton
- “The Canonization” by John Donne- Summary & Line by line Explanation
- Development of English poetry since the age of Shakespeare
- Important Forms of poetry in English (Narrative, Lyrical, Sonnet etc.)
- Sonnet 29- When, in disgrace with fortune (William Shakespeare)
- SONNET 138- When my love swears (Analysis and Explanation)
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