Sarojini Naidu as Poet of Nature

Sarojini Naidu as Poet of Nature

Sarojini Naidu as Poet of Nature

This article covers the answer to the following questions:

Write an essay on the Nature poetry of Sarojini Naidu highlighting the various characters of her nature poetry.

 “The call of spring was irresistible for Sarojini Naidu.” Amplify this statement.

In her love of Nature Sarojini Naidu is true Romantic. Do you agree with this view? Give a reasoned reply.

Enumerating the characteristic of Sarojini’s Nature poetry, write and essay on Sarojini as a poet.


Like a true Romantic Sarojini Naidu was fascinated by nature, by the spring sights and scenes, by the colours and odours of Natural objects. Her love of nature was primal and instinctive. She could enter into sensuous proximity with the objects of nature and write about these with Great vividness. Her sense of keen and acute observation of the various moods and aspects of nature remains unparalleled in the annals of Indo Anglian poetry. And in her letters, too her keen sense of the beauties of nature can be felt.

Her Sensuous Love of Nature

We can get an idea of her passionate. Sensitive and sensuous response to the beauties of nature even from her Prose. In one of her letters to Edmund Gosse she wrote : “Come and share my exquisite March morning with me ; this sumptuous blaze of gold and sapphire sky; the voluptuous scents of neem and champak and sirisha that beat upon the languid air with their implacable sweetness; the thousand little gold and blue and silver breasted birds bursting with the shrill of life in resting time. All is hot fierce and passionate, ardent and unashamed in its exulting and importunate desire of life and love. And do you know that the scarlet lilies are woven petal by petal from any heart’s blood, these little quivering birds are my soul made incarnate music these perfumes are my emotions dissolved into aerial essence this flaming gold and blue sky is the very me that part of me which incessantly yes and a little deliberately triumphs over that other part….a thing of nerves and tissues that suffers and cries out and must die tomorrow perhaps or twenty years hence.

A poet of Spring

Sarojini Naidu was a poet of a spring in all its varying moods and diverse manifestations. Many of the poems even when not specifically concerned. With nature and spring. Are redolent with the imagery of the spring. She occasionally turned to other seasons of the year summer and harsh autumn but of cold of winter did not attract her attention. Winter so to say made her poetic sensibility numb. The Indian spring inspired like ‘Spring’,A song in Spring‘, ‘The joy of the spring time‘, ‘Vasant Panchami‘, ‘Champak Blossoms’, ‘The call of Spring‘, ‘the Coming of Spring’ and ‘The Magic of Spring‘ , Even the number of poems she specifically to the devoted delineation of spring can suggest that she was, so to say, overwhelmed, by spring and sang of it in poem after poem. Her approach to nature is like that of Rabindranath Tagore. Sensuous and passionate. But the mystic element which is so prominent in the nature poetry of Rabindranath Tagore is non-existent in her poetry. K. R. Ramachandran Nair, in this connection observes; “Sarojini’s nature poetry is a mosaic of colour, sounds and odours that reminds us of Keats, Tennyson and the Pre-Raphaelites.”

Loving pictures of spring

Sarojini Naidu draws loving pictures of Spring flowers -gulmohurs, golden cassia champak wild lilies and the pomegranate buds. Menzes says: “Her song is ablaze with gulmohur and cassia with the champak and jasmine. We wander with her into pomegranate gardens of mellowing dawn or watch the june sunset. Fawns feed on scented grass and the bees on cactus gold. The Koels invite us to the summer woods. During Summer, Sarojini feels that nature is reborn and takes on a new charm. This aspect leads her to say:

Poppies squander their fragile gold

In the silvery aloe break

Coral and ivory lilies unfold

Their delicate lives on the lake.

For Sarojini the call of spring is irresistible; it is like magic:

The earth is ashine like a humming bird’s wing

And the sky like a kingfisher’s feather,

O come, let us go and play with the spring

Like glad hearted children together.

The Spring colours in her poetry

The colours of spring enchant Sarojini and in ‘In Praise of Henna’ she says:

The tilak’s red for the brow of the bride

And betel mut’s red for lips that are sweet,

But for lily like fingers and feet

The red, the red of the henna tree.


Sarojini’s nature poems are remarable for their depiction of Indian spring and other facets of nature. These poems establish her as a great and observant poet of the beauties of nature. Commenting on the nature poetry of Sarojini, S.N. Rajyalakshmi observes : “Sarojini Naidu’s poetry is, unabashedly, and unself-consciously, the poetry of nature. It unfolds the beauties, the transformations and the significances of our natural world. It reveals a world of colour, perfurne and melody, and a sense of being permeating every pore and nook and cranny of our sensate landscape………Of al our early Indian poets of this century, Sarojini has outstandingly recaptured the autochthonous and archetypal responses to our natural environment, as they are found reflected in the poetry of a Valmiki, or a Kalidas”.

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