What is Committee Organization?

Committee Organisation

Committee Organisation

The committee is one of the most ubiquitous and controversial device of organization. It is also known as board, commission, task force and team. A committee is a group of persons to whom, as a group, some matter is committed. Allen defines a committee as “a body of persons appointed or elected to meet on an organised basis for the consideration of matters brought before it. Examples of committees in a modern corporation are the board of directors, executive committee, budget committee, audit committee grievance committee, etc.

Types of Committees

Committees are of various types:

  1. Line or staff committees-

    If the authority of the committee involves decision making affecting subordinates responsible to it, it is line committees if its authority relationship to a superior is advisory. It is a staff committee.

  2. Formal or informal committees-

    A formal committee is duty established as part of the organization structure with especially delegated duties a authority. On the other hand, an informal committee is organized without specific delegation of duties and authority and usually by some person desiring group thinking or group decision of a particular problem.

  3. Standing or ad-hoc committees-

    A standing committee is appointed on a permanent basis, and it continues for an indefinite period., Adhoc committee on the other hand, is a temporarily constituted committee for a specific purpose and it stands dissolve after the purpose has been served.

Why Committee are Popular?

Committees are widely used in all types of organisations because of their following advantages:

  1. Pooling of knowledge and experience-

    Perhaps the most important reason for the use of committee is the advantage of gaining group deliberation and judgement a variation of the adage the “two heads are better than one.”

  2. Fear of too much authority in a single person is another important reason for the widespread use of the committee.
  3. Representation of interested groups-

    A Committee is a useful device to give representation to various interested groups. Thereby securing their loyalty, commitment and participation.

  4. Easy co-ordination-

    Committee is a useful device for securing co-ordination. Because the members of the committee are drawn from various organizational units of the company. It becomes easy to co-ordinate departmental activities, plans, policies, etc.

  5. Easy communication-

    Committees make communication easier and serve a useful device for transmitting and sharing information. All members affected by a problem, have – face simultaneous communication, thereby leaving no room for doubts and ambiguity. Not only that it saves time, the leaving no room for doubts and ambiguity. Not only that it saves time, the spoken word with its possibilities for overtones and emphasis and the opportunities for clarification. May cry its point better than even carefully written memorandums.

  6. Motivation through participation-

    Committees permit participation in decision making and people who participate develop a sense of commitment and feel highly motivated in the implementation of decision.

  7. Management development-

    A manager get opportunity to learn and enrich his experience by serving on various committees.

Drawback of committees:

  1. Time consuming-

    Committees are excessively time consuming and costly.

  2. Compromising tendency-

    Committees tend to compromise even on crucial aspects if an unanimous decision is not possible.

  3. Indecision-

    The time required for deliberation. The discussion of peripheral or tangential subjects, and the conflicting viewpoints of members often result in adjournment without action.

  4. Divided responsibility-

    It is inherent in committee form. “Group responsibility is nobody’s responsibility.” Hence, individual members hardly feel the same degree of responsibility that they would feel if they were personally charged with the same task.

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