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Important Characteristics of Organisational Behaviour

Important Characteristics of Organisational Behaviour

Important Characteristics of Organisational Behaviour

According the Keith Davis, ‘Organisational behaviour is an academic discipline concerned with understanding and describing human behaviour in an organisational environment’. It seeks to shed light on the whole complex human factor in organisations by identifying causes and effects of that behaviour.

Another definition provided by Joe Kelly states, ‘Organisational behaviour is the systematic study of the nature of organisations, how they begin, grow, develop, and their effect on individual members, constituent groups, other organisations and larger institutions’.

Modern organisational behaviour is characterised by the acceptance of a human resource model. It takes a more positive view of human beings. People are accepted as they are and not prejudged using stereotypes.

Some of the important characteristics of organisational behaviour are discussed as follows:

  1. Rational thinking-

    Organisational behaviour is a rational thinking, not an emotional feeling about people. The major goals of organisational behaviour are to explain and predict human behavioural in organisations. It is action-oriented and goal-directed.

  2. Balanced human and technical values –

    Organisational behavioural seeks to balanced human and technical values at work. It seeks to achieve productivity by building and maintaining employee’s dignity, growth and satisfaction, rather than at the expense of these values.

  3. Behaviour Integrations-

    Organisational behaviour integrates behavioural sciences. Many of its core concepts are borrowed from others fields and discipline like social psychology, sociology, and anthropology, etc.

  4. Both a science and an art-

    Organisational behaviour is both a science and an art, the knowledge about human behaviour in organisations leans towards being science. Modern organisational behaviour is, at once, empirical, interpretative, and critical. It is an interpretative science in the pursuit of knowledge and meaning.

The basic purpose is to make meaningful the facts of organisational life. Modern OB is an optic perspective; a process for looking at events, a way of life. It has empirical facts, and interesting interpretations and powerful paradigms.

However, it is an inaccurate science to provide specific answers to specific organisational problems. As such very little can be prescribed to consistently predict relationships between a variable on broad scale. The skills in applying the knowledge clearly lean towards being art.

  1. Multiple levels –

    Organisational behaviour exists at multiple like levels. Behaviour occurs at the individual, the group, and the organisational systems levels. Behaviour that is attributable to each of these levels can be both identified and isolated but at the same time these three levels interact with each other and OB-being affected by the behaviour of individuals, group level behaviour is affected by the organisational level phenomenon and so on.

  2. Social-technical systems-

    Organisational behaviour does not exist in vacuum. Organisations are made up of both social and technical components and therefore characterized as social-technical systems. The operational implication of this is that any approach of looking at behaviour must also take into account the technical component of organisation especially such issues as the nature of work and the technology. Organisations at the same time, must take into account the constructs of the working environment, for example, the extent to which the market and the product is changing.

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